Saturday, November 22, 2014

About Herb Gardening--Growing Fresh Herbs

Herb gardening has been practiced for years. In fact, Chinese history has revealed that this was used as early as 2700 B.C. Aside from using it for medicinal purposes, people have also used this to add flavor to what they concoct in the kitchen.

The interesting thing about herb gardening is that it is not that different from planting flowers or vegetables in your garden because you still need to prepare the soil and then plant it into the ground so this will grow.

Since there are no so many herbs around, you have to decide first which herbs you want to plant. For beginners, you can start with basil, dill, oregano, rosemary and sage since these are all easy to grow in containers, require little maintenance and are adaptable for a wide variety of dishes.

Herbs can be planted on the soil or in containers. For those who will be planting these on the soil, make sure you plot the area first before putting these in. While drawing it on a piece of paper is good, why don’t you place pegs, rocks, or other markers to outline the shape of the garden plot? This will give you an idea how it looks like when the herbs finally grow.

It will also be a good idea to mix some flowers to add color so it will look good even when you see this from afar.

If it is hard for you to visualize, buy a few samples and then see how it looks. You can surely take back what you don’t need and exchange these for those that you will end up using.

For those who will use a container, make sure that it is food-safe and made of plastic. Keep in mind that terra cotta pots can also be used. Some people are able to put two or more herbs in one pot. If the herb you are planting is a large plant, don’t even try it and grow these in separate pots.

The best place to buy herbs is in a nursery. There, you can buy a plant that is almost fully grown or one that is still a seed.

The problem with some seeds is that it takes weeks before it grows. On the other hand, there are also some seeds that quickly grow so you have to do some research to find out how fast it grows.

Aside from choosing what herbs to plant, attention must also be given to the type of soil where this will be placed. Ideally, you should work with soil that is sandy because this will provide good drainage for your herbs.

If you are using the proper soil, the only thing to do now is make sure your herbs are getting sufficient amounts of sunlight.

Unlike fruits, you don’t have to harvest the herbs all at once. You should only get it sparingly so these will still be good whenever you mix this with whatever you are cooking.

One thing you should know about herbs is that not all plants are compatible with others. This is because some of these herbs have a negative biochemical reaction with certain plants around them so you have to be careful.

Aside from using the right soil and giving your mulch sunlight, it will also be good if you add mulch. You can make this yourself using some garbage or buying this from the store.

Herb gardening is interesting because it can be used for a lot of things. You can use it for food, as an alternative to medication or even for aromatherapy.

One threat you should always be on the lookout for are pests like red spider mites and aphids. You can get rid of them by mixing castile soap and water then spraying this over the herbs or putting a few other insects that will do the job of getting rid of them.

There are many ways to use the herbs and it can be used fresh or dried. It really depends what you will be using it for because you can even soak this in oil.

So what are you waiting for? Go to the nursery and get some herbs so you can have your own herb garden.

Click here for more information:  Growing Fresh Herbs

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